Support - Support contract
Target Skills support contract is a contract of services designed to meet your needs for assistance and information.
Support contract "BRONZE"
Technical support by phone:
Our technicians answer your questions concerning the use of Target Skills software. They will lead you the most relevant technical solution. Knowing your company‘s profile, the configuration of your material, your Target Skills software, they can give you a personalised answer. Well informed of the latest technology, they give you advice on the installation and the optimisation of the latest versions of our software.
The technical support provides a way for you to recover the files destroyed by an external incident.
Support contract "SILVER"
In addition to the previous support contract "BRONZE", you benefit from :
The service "update" guarantees a perfect adequacy of the software with the real market. With the Target Skills support contract, you benefit from the updates of the software
free of charge..
New versions are regularly integrated into the software depending on our clients demands.
Support Contract "GOLD"
In addition to the advantages of the "SILVER" support, you benefit from:
Help Online
Hosting of your database on our server (Cloud)
General conditions for Target Skills support contracts.
See support prices.
Hours of operation : from 9AM to 6PM, Monday to Friday (GMT)