PlanningPME API

This document will inform you about:

Definition and role of an API
Volumetrics of the PlanningPME API
Vocation of standard and custom PlanningPME APIs

Definition and role: what is an API?

An API is an Application Programming Interface. Let's explain each of these terms to better understand:

  • - "Application": An application is a service accessible by a human or computer program.
    Ex: Facebook is a social network application, Spotify is an audio streaming application, PlanningPME a planning application.
  • - "Programming": a program is a set of computer functions written by a developer who performs tasks in his place.
    Ex: If I want to transform postal addresses into geographical coordinates, I can do it by hand, or I can write a program to do it for me.
  • - "Interface": an interface makes the connection between two things, in our case between an application and the programs that use it. It defines what the program can request from the application, transmits program requests to the application, and application responses to the program.

PlanningPME - API
Just as a remote control is the interface used by a viewer to program his television, an API is the interface used by a programmer to interact with an application.

The PlanningPME API is therefore the interface of the PlanningPME application, it plays a major role.
As a mandatory crossing point, it is able to identify accesses, secure transmissions, control the volume of requests, etc …

Volumetrics: what are the limits of call to the PlanningPME API?

Each installation of a PlanningPME API has is accessible through a secured key, called AppKey, which authenticates a program (or set of programs) to the API.

By default, the same AppKey has a maximum request volume of 2,000 per hour.
Beyond this limit, the owner of the key will be notified of the overrun, and his plan adjusted according to the following fee schedule.

2 000 requests per hour3 000 requests per hour5 000 requests per hour8 000 requests per hour+ 10 000 requests per hour
Free15 € / month30 € / month50 € / monthContact us

Ex: my program makes 4,500 requests in less than an hour with the same AppKey, I'm notified by e-mail that my hourly quota has reached the "Micro" slice, and that I will be charged €30 at the end of month.

Above 10,000 requests per hour a prior agreement is mandatory.
Any key that is out of this maximum authorised use quota will be immediately turned off.

Vocation: what are the differences between the standard API and the custom API?

The PlanningPME API has two types of operations.

Standard API allows you to do all basic unit operations on PlanningPME application.

Ex: add / modify / delete an event, update a client / project / resource, modify the rights of a group, change an option etc …

All these operations are described in the interactive documentation.

Custom API allows mass operations to be performed on the PlanningPME application, and one sets up these operations within integration templates.

Ex: I send the updated information of my 25,000 customers to the API, in a single request and in a pre-defined and customised format, the API is responsible for updating customers already in base, add new ones, or even remove obsolete customers.

These operations, also called integration operations ("integration" method of the API), are defined within integration templates.

It is strongly recommended to use the custom API to implement any mass synchronisation (type client / resource / project for example), so as not to exceed usage limits of your key. Synchronisation using the custom API costs only 1 request, regardless of the number of items updated in this query.

See the documentation of the custom integration API for more details.