Monitoring and archiving events

Run your operations efficiently leaving nothing to chance. Detailed tracking of all activities in your schedule. In addition, you have access to the list of all past and future events in the resource, client and project files. You can thus review the complete detailed history by client, project, resource and event. A new tab in the resource and client records enables having a list of all past and future tasks.

Complete information history menu

From the “Data” menu you will see the “History” entry. This window enables visualising all the creations, modifications and deletions of data in the planning concerning events, resources and clients.

Date and time: Date of the operation

Operation: Type of operation: Creation, Update or Deletion

Type: Event, unavailability, resource, client

Label: the label of the previous type. For example, for an event, this will be label of the task and, for a resource, this will be the label of the resource, etc.

Date and time of start and end: if type is an event or an unavailability

Key: A unique key

user: User id


Client and resource history

Track all creations and modifications of events from the “History” tab in the events window. This tab enables knowing on which dates an event was created and modified and by which users.

Client and resource history

Event history

Track all creations and modifications of events from the “History” tab in the events window. This tab enables knowing on which dates an event was created and modified and by which users.

Event history

Tracking events by client or resource

A new tab in the resource and client records enables having a list of all past and future tasks.

Tracking events by client or resource

Access rules: Access rules enable giving or barring access to such historical information.